
The Piano Tuner Association in Finland (registered association)

You can contact the board of directors in The Piano Tuner Association in Finland in all questions that concerns our branch. We are pleased tohelp you. If you are looking for a piano tuner, you can use our search for that.

History and action

The Piano Tuner Association in Finland was grounded  in 1938 by name The Piano Tuner Society. There has been piano tuners in Finland for a remarkable longer time, but in those days (1938) began the thoughts of some kind of union to uprise. The idea was that the union could unite the benefits and develop the professional skills. There wasn’t official professional education in those days, and the members of the society had to show what they can do.

The education has been organized in several ways during the decades and as teachers were as well domestic experts as those from aboard, for example from the factories of Yamaha, Steinway and Bösendorf. These factories had traditionally a big role in the education of piano tuners, although the factorywork was widely different from the real piano tuner work with service by grand pianos and concerts.

Our Association has been developing our branch and benefits in many ways and we were there, when the Pianotuner School (still in operation) was grounded in 1983. The permanent meaning with the school was to educate visually impaired persons to factory work, but the education changed soon to be open for all.